Intact America: CDC Petition Delivery only days away!

From an IA e-mail:


Earlier this week, Georganne Chapin, Executive Director of Intact America, spoke with Dr. Peter Kilmarx, Chief of HIV/AIDS Prevention at the Centers for Disease Control. They discussed the CDC's forthcoming guidelines on male infant circumcision, and she'll be sending him a follow-up letter next week – along with the petition signatures we've received from you and other supporters...

...and we're only 300 signatures shy of our 25,000-signature goal!

Please help us by asking your friends to sign our petition RIGHT NOW – asking the CDC not to recommend infant circumcision. We're so close to our goal, we just need a few more signatures!

You can also help by sharing this campaign on Twitter and Facebook.

Thank you again for being such a powerful advocate for our infant boys.

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