Scientists develop spray to make men more affectionate using 'cuddle' hormone oxytocin
Submitted by Broadsword on Thu, 2010-04-29 17:52
Article here. Excerpt:
"Scientists have finally worked out what women really want.
They have created a spray that makes men more caring, affectionate and in tune with others' feelings.
Just a puff or two and even the most macho of males is as sensitive as a woman, they claim.
The spray is based on oxytocin - a hormone naturally made in the body and involved in sex, sexual attraction, trust and confidence.
It is released into the blood during labour - triggering the production of breast milk - and floods the brain during breastfeeding, helping mother and baby bond.
In spray form, it seems that the so-called 'cuddle chemical' can make a man feel like a woman.'
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Men who like cuddling don't need it. Men who don't would probably not want to use it. So what will happen... will a woman start spraying her bf/husband with it while he sleeps until one day he just becomes interested in it? Wouldn't that be a form of poisoning (ie, administering a substance without consent or knowledge)? Hey, if a new spray that caused women to be come total bedroom freaks were invented, would that be greeted as good news or an example of diabolical plans to poison and use women for men's ends? Well isn't that the same thing here? Listen ladies, if he doesn't like to cuddle and you REALLY want a man who does that, go looking for a new man. Stop trying to change him. I am amazed at how many times I have seen women go for a guy, then try to change him. Go for the guy who is right for you, not the guy you hope will one day be right for you. I.e., don't be silly.
But this is advice that has fallen on deaf ears for millenia and most certainly will continue to do so.
They'll start prescribing
They'll start prescribing this for use on boys at school.
A civil rights violation
Changing someone's hormonal make-up without their consent should be both criminal and a civil rights violation. It's akin to slipping a pill of chloral hydrate into someone's drink (aka a Mickey). With a Mickey, the perpetrator uses a knockout drug to incapacitate and then later rob the victim.
This new hormone spray could be used without the victim's consent making him "feel more like a woman." What man wants to feel more like a woman? And what man wants to increase his breast milk production? That comes with this hormone as well.
Our reverence for science and technology has gone too far... we need to respect people's rights to be themselves (particularly respect men's rights to be men), instead of giving women yet one more tool to manipulate men into being something they are not.
Bah humbug. Testosterone
Bah humbug. Testosterone negates the effects of oxytocin while estrogen amplifies it. I smell a placebo effect going on here....
friendship seems a safer place
oh the idea of this spray is much worse than drugging someone for sex. its trying to change how one experiences themselves and relates.
the author is using pop psychology, but even the studies are just dumb. they don't use real human interaction. it ends up being more of a how do you think of yourself kind of study. women empathize more... shopping, talking about the endless details of your day, making excuses is not at all empathetic behavior. but I'm sure a person can do all that and cry at a movie or love a cute picture because it doesn't really mean crap.
men as men have the capacity to form great loving friendships, its just our retarded (RECENT) western culture that can get in the way; listen to some of Aristotle's quotes on friendship. feminism and men being raised in a feminine culture seems to me to have only lessened male bonding spaces and rituals. whatever... I think men are learning they need to rely on each other.
now what we need
is a spray to make women more like men.
she could spray him, he could spray her.
(ain't that what skunks do?)
annyhoo, next thing you know we would have a whole board full
of female MRA's. and the guys here could be over at fem
sites ... doing whatever they do talking bad about men.
acting kinda like what a LOT of men act like now.
omg, i have a new name for it - mangina!
for the woman in you. ha!
I don't have a big problem with this if a man wants to try it out, sort of like a glass of wine or smoking a bowl of weed. But I agree about using it against someone's will.
And when will they make a spray to make women less manipulative and to stop telling their friends every detail of the relationship? Or an anti-misandry spray.
No much issues
because,, if a man like cuddling that is his rights and no one can't say he is not a man. But, I am worrying that why we need an artificial thing to make a man to take care and affectionate, because it leads to a conclusion that implies men are naturally affection less and in-sensitive
So make him naturally affectionate.