Larger numbers of men seek breast reduction surgery

The sick bodies of men are expendable, are irrelevant, are ignored. The fact that these male bodies are increasingly looking like female bodies should be setting off big-time alarms with the powers that be, such as the Environmental Protection Agency. But no, it is men who are disproportionately being affected, so these powers that be just ignore it. How short sighted... our misandrist chemical-laden industrialized society is on its way to wiping out the human race (and many other species in the process).

An extract of this story is provided below, found at

'Surgical clinics surveyed by The Sunday Times in Britain report a sharp upsurge in the numbers of men seeking breast reduction surgery. Hormones in the water are blamed for a doubling of cases in just a year of gynecomastia, a hormonal-induced growth in men's breasts.

Researchers with the Southern California Coastal Water Research Project discover that two-thirds of some species of fish examined from coastal waters off Los Angeles and Orange counties possess both male and female reproductive organs. The sea floor sediment in these areas is contaminated with estrogenic chemicals from wastewater effluent generated by nine million inhabitants of coastal cities.

A report by the U.S. Government Accountability Office, the investigative arm of the U.S. Congress, finds that the EPA is failing to protect people from tens of thousands of toxic chemicals. Chemical companies have provided health impact data to the EPA for only about 15 percent of chemicals introduced over the past 30 years.'

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