F&F: Did Dr. Phil Unwittingly Promote False Accusations on His Recent ‘Crisis in Family Court’ Show?

Blog article here. Excerpt:

'Dr. Phil did an hour long special called “Crisis in Family Court” on April 14. The view put forward both by Dr. Phil and his various guests was that mothers were losing custody of their children to abusive fathers, and that the courts were favoring fathers even when there is strong evidence that they are violent or have sexually abused their children.
While Dr. Phil is correct to publicize these tragic cases, according to the US Department of Health and Human Services, most parental murders of children are committed by mothers, not by fathers. Dr. Phil could have had a similar show featuring fathers whose children were murdered by the children’s mothers, at times after fathers had tried to warn courts. It is misleading to only focus on murdering fathers when there are, in fact, more mothers who kill their children than fathers.

Russell believes that there’s a “crisis” in family courts, and that courts are handing over custody of children to physically and sexually abusive fathers. Russell and the CJE promote reforms which will make it easier to deny parents shared custody or visitation rights based on unsubstantiated abuse claims. They have also been the prime movers behind California AB 612, a bill that would exclude evidence of Parental Alienation from family law proceedings and prevent target parents of Parental Alienation from raising PA as an issue in their cases. Last year Fathers & Families’ legislative representative Michael Robinson helped build a professional coalition to scuttle AB 612.
Dr. Phil highlighted three cases. In two, a father murdered his children, which is terrible but Dr. Phil could have just as easily reported on two cases where a mother murdered her children. In the other case, Dr. Phil alleges that a family court has given custody to a child molester, yet the evidence is strong that this is not a molestation case, and the court certainly did not award custody in the case capriciously or without a thorough investigation.'

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He didn't do it unwittingly, he did it on purpose, he is after all just Oprah in whiteface.

Rise, Rebel, Resist.

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