Getting boys to read

Article here. Excerpt:

'A recent report from the Center on Education Policy shows that boys across the nation lag behind girls when it comes to their reading skills. Over the years, that gap spreads, and many education researchers believe it's in direct corrolation to the declining numbers of boys enrolling in college.

So why aren't boys reading? And how do you inspire them to pick up a book?

That was the focus of this morning's conversation on Midmorning, which I had the pleasure of hosting (Kerri Miller had the day off). Teen lit author John Coy joined me in studio, while Professor John Chec, of the University of Florida, joined us by phone. Chec teaches children's literature, and has also served as the president of the Children's Literature Association. Coy has written several books aimed at young boys, including "Eyes on the Goal," "Crackback" and "Box Out."

One of the first revelations of the conversation was how the publishing industry helps perpetuate the problem by offering next to nothing for boys to read. The bookshelves for teens are dominate with fiction and fantasy aimed at girls. Girls (and women) are far more likely to spend their money on books, and so they get the bulk of the attention.'

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