Latest "Runaway Mom" likely to be uncharged

Article here. Excerpt:

'In an unusual case of a successful manhunt going south, Ohio runaway mom Tiffany Tehan is likely to go uncharged for causing a nationwide hunt. Tehan was located by law enforcement officials, including the FBI, in a Miami motel with the man she actually ran away with. Even more interesting, Tehan’s husband David Tehan told reporters he forgives her and wants her back.

Tehan, 31, disappeared last Saturday, leaving behind husband David and 1-year-old daughter Lexie. Her disappearance was obviously a mystery to her husband and family, which led to a massive nationwide hunt for her. What now turns out to be an apparent “love nest getaway” had much more dire possibilities only days ago. Police are basically at a loss as to what to charge Tehan with now, as no crime was really committed.
Any way, Miami Beach police Sgt. Wayne Jones said when they found Tehan, she basically told them she was starting a new life with Tre Hutcherson, the man who was originally sought in her apparent disappearance. Whatever the outcome, Tehan and her new boyfriend did not get off to a good start headlining Good Morning America with their tackiness. Image you tried to pull something like this off.'

Ed. note: This is a follow-up to a story on MANN posted here.

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Watching MSNBC yesterday, I saw a psychologist suggest adamantly that such a thing could be due to postpartum depression. It seems any time a new mother does anything that would get a man executed, landed in jail for 20+ years, or just plain pilloried in the media, she gets a pass because she is a "new mother" and *may* have been suffering from postpartum depression. Well, my take is described pretty well here.

As I understand it, and correct me if I am wrong, any lawyers out there, but the typical legal standard in the US in most states for an "insanity plea" is that you have to be out of touch with reality so badly that you don't comprehend the effects of your actions well enough to have a "culpable mental state". Do Tiffany Tehan's actions rise to that level? It doesn't sound like that to me. Of course she didn't actually, it seems, violate any laws. She just upped and left, running off with her boyfriend (so gee, she was having an affair, then had a baby - who de daddy, by the way? -- and it's "postpartum depression" that was behind her actions??). But really, there is no law against that. Her husband however reported her missing and of course was immediately suspected of having done something bad, as any man would be -- indeed! However should a woman report her husband missing, well, 1) it's not nearly as big a priority and 2) she is not immediately suspected of any wrongdoing.

Yes, Mr. Tehan does need three things right now: a backbone, a paternity test kit, and a lawyer, all sooner rather than later.

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