Department of Education repeals Bush-era policy on Title IX

Article here. Excerpt:

'The U.S. Department of Education is repealing a Bush-era policy that some critics argue was a way to avoid complying with federal law in providing equal opportunities for female athletes.

Under the move, schools and colleges must now provide stronger evidence that they offer equal opportunities for athletic participation under the federal Title IX gender equity law.

It reverses a 2005 policy under former President George W. Bush that allowed schools to use just a survey to prove a lack of interest in starting a new women's sport and encouraged schools to consider a non-response to the questionnaire as disinterest.

"Making Title IX as strong as it possibly can be is the right thing to do," Vice President Biden said Tuesday at an event at George Washington University in Washington, D.C., announcing the change.'

But Gerald Reynolds, a former Education Department official under Bush, said the new policy is a step back for women's rights because it focuses more on numbers than what female and male students want.

"The women's movement was in part about ensuring women's liberty interests — that in the hopes, wishes and desires about any aspect of their life, they were the shot-callers," said Reynolds, chairman of the National Commission on Civil Rights. "I think we are trampling upon that concept."

Reynold's commission recently released a report on Title IX that supported the 2005 policy, saying it was the most accurate way to ensure equality in athletics.

Critics of Title IX say revoking the policy will have a chilling effect on students expressing their opinions.'

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... they party hearty!

"Both the national Democratic and Republican party committees spend about two-thirds of the money they take in on the care and comfort of committee staffs and on efforts to raise more funds, with lavish spending on limousines, expensive hotels, meals and tips, an analysis of the latest financial disclosure data shows.

Monthly committee spending reports, like those that were due by midnight Tuesday, illustrate cultures in which vast sums are consumed with limited accountability, a Washington Post review has found. Neither committee appears to have clear internal spending guidelines, and their reports do not explain hefty expenditures in categories such as "office supplies" and "tips" that consume tax-exempt party funds.

The two parties assert that to raise money, they must spend it, and both have long used donated funds to court and pamper prospective donors with luxurious getaways and gifts.

The nonprofit Center for Responsive Politics, in an analysis done at the request of The Post, calculated, however, that administrative and fundraising expenses consumed about $60 million of Democratic revenue in this cycle through the end of February, or 59 percent of total revenue that exceeded $100 million. For Republicans, the amount exceeded $74 million, or 68 percent of $109 million in revenue."

Don't all you happy political party (get it... "party"? Ha ha ha!) donors love knowing most of your contributions are going to booze up potential future donors, etc., etc.? Reminds me a bit of a 1-rung pyramid scheme, really: Someone donates $1 million, gets $400,000 back in partying... $400,000 then goes to getting more money with $200,000 to actual political party expenses. The second $400,000 rakes in $1.4 million, of which $500,000 is used to party to reward the donor, the second $500,000 to rake in another $1.8 million, with $400,000 to actual political party expenses, and so on, and so on, and so on...

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Looking not just at this post but also at the many other posts on Mensactivism it is clear that those who foresaw Obama being a profound feminist are seeing their predictions fully validated. The terrible truth is that feminism is the subtext of all political parties. Things like healthcare or the economy come and go but feminism is a constant presence. It is like a permanent dripping tap. It can not be turned off and looks small but over time it can flood anything.

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