Intact America: Petition Delivery Imminent, more signatures needed

From an IA email:

Next week, we will be delivering our petition urging the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) NOT to recommend routine circumcision for all baby boys.

Despite tremendous support from our intactivists, we're still just 1,616 signatures away from our 25,000-signature goal.

If you haven't already signed the petition, please click here to take action today!

There are only a few days left - will you help us reach our April 26 goal by sharing the campaign on Facebook or tweeting about it on Twitter? We need your help!

The more signatures we can deliver, the more likely the CDC will be to listen to our message.

That's why we need YOUR help to spread the word about the importance of protecting our baby boys from unnecessary risk and harm. Will you help us by doing the following?

- If you use Facebook, click here to share this campaign on your profile (don't forget to become a fan of Intact America while you're at it).

- If you use Twitter, click here to tweet about this campaign. If you're not already following us on Twitter, click here to add us to your list now.

- Or, if you don't use either one (or even if you do!), you can always spread the word via our Tell a Friend page.

Motivated by faulty conclusions drawn from flawed studies that ignore the risks and ethical concerns of infant circumcision, the CDC may actually recommend this unnecessary and dangerous surgery for all newborn baby boys.

We know that safe sexual practices and abstinence &ndash not circumcision &ndash are best at preventing sexually transmitted diseases. And we know that there is NO link between infant circumcision and better health.

But we need your help to make sure that the CDC gets that message before it's too late for the next generation of baby boys.

We're just 1,616 signatures away from making sure our voices are heard loud and clear.

Please help us reach our 25,000-signature goal by Monday, April 26 - post an update to your Facebook account and get the message out on Twitter today.

Thank you again for all that you do.


Georganne Chapin
Executive Director, Intact America

P.S. If you haven't already signed the petition, please click here to take action today!

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some time ago, but I don't think their going to make it in time- shame.

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