“Men’s Rights” Movement Doesn’t Belong On Top

Article here. Excerpt:

'Rutgers University Professor Lionel Tiger and some of his penis-wielding peers have been rallying to establish a “men’s studies” program at Rutgers University. Men have reached a point where “they’re experienced a considerable amount of dismay and uncertainty,” says Tiger to CNN. Men today feel “somewhat scorned, in principle by women.” Tiger’s work has been born from a fear that men are being feminized. Thus, men must explore what it means to be masculine; both on a social and biological level, and reclaim their territory.

Professor Tiger’s not alone in his masculinity mission. Just ask Harry Reid. The senator enraged “men’s rights” activists last month when he claimed unemployed men are to blame for increased domestic violence. Said Reid, “Men, when they’re out of work, tend to become abusive.” Men’s News Daily Editor Paul Elam described Reid’s remarks as “bizarre and unfounded” that “reveals an unimaginable disconnect from the millions of unemployed Americans who are not abusive.” The National Organization for Men, Men and Fathers for Justice, Men’s Equality Conference, the Fatherhood Coalition and at least a dozen other “men’s rights” groups joined the fray and called for Reid to apologize. He did not.

These organizations not only protest the feminization and demonization of men. They also rally against what they describe as widespread inequality against men. Marty Nemko, president of the National Organization for Men, insists that men are consistently put on the back burner for women and “minorities,” “When boys start to look into college, the very first thing they see are the colleges’ brochures and websites, with far more pictures of women and minorities; the subliminal message: we don’t care about white males.” Thus, they feel like a “disposable sex.” He goes on, “In our attempt to lift up girls and women, we have destroyed boys and men. Just as we are assiduous to avoid unfair treatment of women and minorities, we must do the same for boys and men.” Other members of this men’s movement are making a career out of revitalizing America’s men.'

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.... "penis-wielding"? .... ?? Hmmm.... "penis-wielding"?...

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That kind of language makes is sound like a weapon. That's flagrant sexism. If someone had said "Vagina-wielding" it would probably have been censored as obscene, or offensive to women. But men, go ahead and bash 'em, bash 'em, bash 'em as aggressors - every chance you get.

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by webster

:to handle (as a tool) especially effectively.

penis wielding?

yep. no doubt about it.


:to exert one's authority by means of.

yore honor, he wuz wielding his penis in a threatening mannur!


feminism: bizarroism, unleashed on the western world.

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Penis wielding? Any man that views the penis as a harmful weapon should have his forcibly removed.

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