Our boys are falling behind in education

Article here. Excerpt:

'What's the next battle for an aging feminist?


Granted, the battle for women's rights and equality has not been completely won, but the new reality is that in the future, it will be males who are most endangered.

Currently, up to 60 percent of the students at an average co-educational college or university are female. The majority of bachelors' degrees are now awarded to females in every racial and ethnic group. By 2017, the ratio of female to male college graduates will be 1 1/2 to 1. One demographer calls that prediction "staggering and transformational."

Feminists have lobbied for a societal transformation where the rights and talents of women are fully recognized. But is this the kind of transformation we want? A "role reversal," where women will reign supreme in all fields but the sciences?

Is it healthy that even those men who do stay in college seek fewer student leadership positions and perform worse academically than women do? Won't these factors, combined with the lower graduation rate, promote a "marriage gap?"

How many college-educated women today would want to marry a man with such low educational achievement, skills or ambition that he would be permanently relegated to the role of full-time "homemaker" — not by choice, but by default?
To some, this boy crisis is difficult to accept. "Boys will be just fine . . . it's girls and women we still have to concentrate on," a feminist colleague said recently during a rather heated "boy gap" discussion.

"Look around," say others. "How can we worry about boys when men still rule the world?"'

Ed. note: About the author, here.

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She spends years to produce the world she is now complaining about and wants to find a new cause in undoing it?

Again affirming my belief that the priorities of the limbic system outdo any ideology a person adopts in the folly of their youth (she indicates she has three grandchildren, all boys - funny coincidence that she is now advocating for boys' education now that all her grandchildren thus far have turned out to be boys, hmm?). But more generally, faced with the prospect of a husbandless granddaughter and no grandson-in-law at holiday gatherings (not necessarily this particular one, who also indicates that she has a married daughter), indeed, aging feminists start singing an entirely different song. Problem is, the horse has left the corral. Can such women really expect their granddaughters to accept a new credo that is male-sympathetic after they have been preaching anti-male gender hostility all their lives? Can an ideological course set in motion for 40 years now be changed fast enough so that the society it has been so affected by can recover in time not to dissipate and be replaced by... something else, TBD?

Lesson learned, a bit too late: One reaps what she sows.

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