Feminist jurisprudence hurts men and women

Article here. Excerpt:

'For feminism, spring is an aphrodisiac for histrionics and unadulterated stupidity. The University of New Hampshire’s Womyn’s Club spent all of last week fighting the local fire department over the right to burn smutty magazines wherever the “womyn” pleased. Last month Sen. Harry Reid uttered perhaps the stupidest remark by a feminist in history: “Women don’t commit domestic violence.”

This is false. In a report published in 2003 in the Florida State University Law Review, Professor Linda Kelly from the Indiana University Law School states, “Men and women commit violence at similar rates.” Kelly’s research, which cites various in-depth studies from over three decades of legal scholarship, found that “women match, and often exceed, husbands in the frequency with which they engage in violent behavior,” and “wives were found to engage in more severe acts of violence than husbands.” In 1975, for example, 3.8 percent of husbands and 4.6 percent of wives engaged in “severe violence,” defined as “kicking, biting or hitting with a fist; hitting or trying to hit with something; beating up; and threatening with or using a knife or gun.” Kelly identifies another disturbing trend: since the 1970s, the incidence of male violence “has declined steadily”; female violence “has remained virtually the same.”

To add insult to injury, or rather, injury to injury, “female violence is not recognized within the extensive legal literature on domestic violence” and is instead “denied, defended and minimized” by the legal and judicial establishments. “Female violence,” Kelly writes, “presents both a threat to feminist theory as well as to the practice of domestic violence law.” According to feminist theory, “society is controlled by an all-encompassing patriarchal structure,” and “no aspect of male to female relations can be considered without first accepting the male as all-powerful and the female as powerless.” Men batter their wives not due to psychopathology, but out of a desire to subordinate and control women. The feminists have spoken. Abusive women cannot be recognized. Men cannot be victims.'

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