'Baby Emma' case puts state adoption laws between father, child

This is just horrible. Apparently, it's OK for a mother to put a child up for adoption without the father's consent. Excerpt:

'John Wyatt raced to the hospital, excited to be a father but worried about the mother.

His girlfriend had promised to call him the moment she went into labor, but she'd turned off her cellphone. Wyatt had been calling it for hours. Finally, an operator at Potomac Hospital in Woodbridge confirmed the news: His girlfriend was there, and his daughter had been born.

When Wyatt arrived at the hospital that morning of Feb. 11, 2009, he got the shock of his 20-year-old life: Administrators insisted that no such baby was there -- and no such mother.

Court records show that Wyatt's daughter, Emma, was born Feb. 10, at that very hospital, and that she spent the next week at two Woodbridge hotels before being put up for adoption -- in Utah. "We just want Emma to come home," says Wyatt's mother, Jeri. "My son wants his child. I want to see my granddaughter."

More than a year later, a cross-country court fight over the child known as "Baby Emma" has yet to settle the question of whether the strawberry-blond, blue-eyed girl was illegitimately taken from her father or legally put up for adoption by her mother, 20-year-old Emily Colleen Fahland, a George Mason University student. The highly unusual dispute pits Virginia against Utah; a Stafford County judge in December awarded Wyatt custody of Emma and cited a federal kidnapping statute in ordering the state to bring her back from Utah.

Virginia officials say they lack the legal authority to follow the judge's order.

In Salt Lake City, a Utah judge issued a competing order granting temporary custody to the adoptive couple in that state, and Emma has been living with them ever since. Attorneys for the couple say Wyatt, of Dumfries, failed to assert his parental rights in time to contest the adoption. His appeal is pending in a Utah court.'

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think that women should have all the rights
and men should serve to insure their every desire.
these actions taken against this father are criminal.
they appear to have siezed the mantle of feminism,
and run with it.

i thought true Mormons were to worship and serve God.
looks like this bunch serves another these days.
trying to live in AND also be of the world, eh?
it is there for all with eyes to see.

fyi - within a generation the
mormon divorce rate went from one of the lowest
in the world to almost exactly the same as
the rest of the country's, pathetic as it is.
now their laws allow the kidnapping of children from their fathers. encourage it even. a haven for this type activity.

want proof of what i say??
it is always reflected within the fruit you bear.
one-sided (bad) laws are now bearing bad fruit.
good fruit comes from .....

well, you know the rest.
you cannot serve two masters.

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Another example of the power of supposedly moribund feminism, that it can infect the Mormons, arguably once one of the most patriarchal societies in existence. To all the wishful thinkers out there: It sure don't look dead.

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