White House set to spend M$730 in FY2011 'to combat violence against women'

Story here. Excerpt:

'The White House is stepping up its efforts in the area of Violence Against Women, according to Vice-President Joe Biden who announced an unprecedented $730 million in the President's proposed FY2011 budget to shore up services, help victims find housing and legal assistance, and make sure every call for help is answered.

The United States Vice President, who took his commitment to ending violence against women to Peoria, Illinois where he spoke at the Center for the Prevention of Abuse's Partners in Peace awards, pledged to continue his commitment to change attitudes and to "free women from the oppressive cultural norm that causes them in any way to feel they are responsible for or contributed to their own abuse."

The first Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) hearing was held on June 20, 1990, and over the next four years then-Senator Biden held moving hearings on domestic violence, sexual assault and stalking.'

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