The Truth Behind Legal Dominance Feminism’s “Two Percent False Rape Claim” Figure

Paper here (.pdf file). Excerpt:

'For at least the last decade, Legal Dominance Feminism has been the predominant voice on sexual abuse within legal academia. However, many of its empirical claims regarding the sexual abuse of women are erroneous. Unlike the exemplary scholarship of other feminist academics, LDF has in recent years promulgated a series of social science myths about rape in the American legal system. Often resting upon a highly problematic methodology, LDF significantly misrepresents empirical reality. This Article attempts to demonstrate that the LDF discourse on rape is fundamentally flawed.
Unlike those who oppose the LDF program because of its alleged “malebashing,” this Article concedes that were it empirically true that only two percent of those charged with rape were innocent, LDF’s solutions might represent a reasonable public policy. But if, as may well be the case, as many as a quarter of the men currently accused of rape are actually innocent, then the goals of LDF are truly destructive. First, the proportion of wrongful convictions would certainly rise if LDF’s program were fully implemented. Second, as demonstrated in Part V, wrongful convictions would fall disproportionately on black youths.'

This paper appeared in the April 2000 edition of the Loyola Law Review.

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