"Sexist Beatdown: Manly Masculine Male Edition"

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Two important developments in the World of Men this week:

  1. A group of scholars, led by a man with the almost suspiciously masculine name of Lionel Tiger, established a new discipline of gender studies: Male Studies. Male Studies differs from the already existing discipline of Men’s Studies in that it is devoted to studying the “male as male,” as opposed to the “male as Easter Bunny” or whatever Men’s Studies is passing off as scholarly research nowadays. Also, Male Studies really fucking resents Women’s Studies. Cage match, anyone?
  2. Sady Doyle of Tiger Beatdown, the preeminent scholar in the field of Lady Business Studies, invited some men to talk about their experiences for once. Sady’s Visions of Manliness series (see A, B, and C) has addressed stuff like the simultaneous marginalization and privilege of trans men, ironically homophobic sports blogging, and how deeply Valentine’s Day truly blows. Strangely, none of the posts are about how feminists have stolen their male identity, trampled upon their masculine phenomenon, and overall been super mean. In other words, this is total Men’s Studies shit.

In this edition of Sexist Beatdown, Sady and I YELL ABOUT THESE THINGS AND ALSO bell hooks SO JOIN US!

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