Man falls 30 feet saving suicidal woman

Article here. We post a lot of 'women behaving badly' articles, and a lot of examples of men being treated poorly, as second class citizens, and often even as sub-human. This article should be a shining example to anyone who doesn't think men deserve basic respect of the type of selflessness and heroism men are capable of. It would be easy to attribute his actions to outmoded ideas of chivalry and sacrifice, or to suggest he should never have risked his life in the first place, but I choose to view it as a doctor doing all in his power to help a patient, an example of the type of person, man or woman, that we should all wish there were more of it in the world. Excerpt:

'An Allentown man saved a suicidal woman's life but suffered extensive arm fractures when they fell 30 feet from the roof of a Lehigh Valley personal care facility on Monday.

As they fell, he maneuvered himself under her, so he hit the concrete first, allowing the woman to suffer only injuries so minor she was able to walk away, according to a relative.
Smith, 48, a married father of three and a grandfather of three, hit facing down, hitting his left arm, then his head and his right arm as he rolled, Katchisin said.

Smith shattered bones in both arms, and gashed his forehead, but suffered no apparent brain or spinal injuries.

The woman, confirmed as suicidal by Saucon Township police, reportedly suffered a fracture or two to a finger and a toe.'

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"As they fell, he maneuvered himself under her, so he hit the concrete first"

Well of course he did, he's just a male and she's a member of The Sacred Sex. Not chivalry, not sacrifice, not heroism - just another American male who knows his place in the Gynocracy.

Rise, Rebel, Resist.

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Too bad the fall didn't kill him so he would be prevented from spreading his chivalrous ideals in the future.

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Suicide is one of the most selfish acts someone can perform so I seriously doubt that she will thank him for what he did.

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