Abusegate: May 6-7: Working for Men, Working a Miracle!

From Abusegate Bob:

Domestic violence laws are bad for men because they strip due process protections from the falsely-accused, deny services to male victims, and stereotype men as batterers. Some say the effect of our nation's DV laws is to turn men into a new social under-class.

Since 2008, a dedicated group of men and women has been working on Capitol Hill to educate lawmakers about the harmful effects of DV laws. Three times, this group has succeeded in blocking bad bills from being passed:

2008: International Violence Against Women (I-VAWA) Act
2008: National Domestic Violence Volunteer Act
2009: Security and Financial Empowerment (SAFE) Act

But it's not enough to stop bad bills from becoming law. Now, we need to reform the existing laws, especially the Violence Against Women Act, so they are effective, inclusive, and respectful of civil rights.

On May 6-7, we will take our campaign to a new level. WE WILL WORK A MIRACLE.

Register here. Just do it.

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