Palin and Bachmann: Feminists in Naughty Monkey Peep Toe Heels

Article here. Excerpt:

'Poor, poor Tim Pawlenty. The earnest Minnesota governor brought his best zingers and one-liners to the Minneapolis Convention Center on Wednesday, but he got his biggest applause at the GOP fundraiser only when he introduced Sarah Palin and Michele Bachmann. The two brightest stars of the conservative movement were headliners for the event to raise cash for Bachmann's re-election campaign. On the charisma scale, he was chalk to their napalm.

With Martina McBride's "This One's for the Girls" blaring in the background, Bachmann and Palin took the stage in a blur of waving hands, teased hair, floral prints and piled-on pearls. Far away from Michael Steele's sex-club scandal and John Boehner's "Hell No!" legislative strategy, Palin and Bachmann gave their mostly female audience of more than 11,000 a riled up hour of newfangled Republican girl power.
On health care reform, Bachmann promised to push for repeal. "You better believe it, baby! Repeal is what this girl is going to be all about after November." On federal spending, she promised to shrink it. "We're going to start by starving the beast!" On the details of all this, she sort of fudged it (the government owns or controls 51 percent of the American economy?), but that's not the point right now.

The point is that artfully folded into the women's right-of-center red meat rhetoric was an unusually heavy dose of what anyone would call old-fashioned feminism if it wasn't coming from two hot Republican women in high heels. (Palin put Naughty Monkey-brand shoes on the map when she wore their red "Double Dare" peep-toe pumps to a John McCain rally.)

"In politics, if you want something said, ask a man. If you want something done, ask a woman," Palin joked to the delight of the crowd, quoting Margaret Thatcher. "My own mantra is that behind every good, productive man stands a very surprised woman."
It's hard to think that Wednesday's event was not what Betty Friedan envisioned for women in "The Feminine Mystique," when she said that women should be allowed to want more than a life of folding laundry and driving carpool. "We can no longer ignore that voice within women that says: 'I want something more than my husband and my children and my home.'" she wrote.
As Palin finished her stump speech for Bachmann, she made a prediction about the 2010 election cycle. "There are a lot of conservative women like Michele who are standing up and speaking out for common sense conservative solutions and they're ready to take their country back," she said. "2010 is shaping up to be the year that conservative women get together to take back this country and Michele is leading the stampede."'

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... seem to require male denigration?

"In politics, if you want something said, ask a man. If you want something done, ask a woman," Palin joked to the delight of the crowd, quoting Margaret Thatcher. "My own mantra is that behind every good, productive man stands a very surprised woman."

For those who think conservatism entails a respect for men, they are wrong. Nymphotropism has always been found as part of conservatism of every possible stripe. That is because it is to be found all over the place. It is found in liberalism of every stripe as well. You will in fact have a deuce of a time not finding it anyplace.

In this particular case, I am reminded of how in the old south, any pol campaigning for election needed to talk about the "inherent superiority" of whites over blacks. Sarah Palin of course did not go that far. But the fact that she even "joked" about it, and to a crowd she knew would eat it up, shows something. Find me a white pol who would dare make a similar "joke" and expect it not to end his career, and for the good, too. Too bad the same can't be said here. Looks like these "conservative women" have taken a page from the Hildbeast's playbook and are running with the ball full-tilt. Change is not coming in November, at least where on-stage politically-motivated male-bashing is concerned. Looks like more of the same.

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Palin is an ass, the only good thing that can be said about her is that she has a cute bottom. May be that is enough for the American electorate. There is only one person in America who is fit to lead it and his name is Ron Paul.

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She's stupid, she's a feminist, and she's a conservative - three of my least favorite things in one vile package!Given all these qualities she is almost certain to become America's first female president.

Rise, Rebel, Resist.

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