Dispelling Sandra Bullock's "Oscar curse"

Article here. Excerpt:

'Poor Sandra Bullock and Kate Winslet. Just moments -- or in the latter case, a year -- after winning Best Actress Oscars, they've lost their marriages. Why, it's almost as though there's a curse on the women who take home that statue! Or perhaps it's something a little more down-to-earth; Nicole LaPorte at The Daily Beast wonders, "Is the ultimate honor for women in Hollywood the ultimate castration for men?"
Consider: In addition to Bullock and Winslet, Jane Wyman, Reese Witherspoon, Halle Berry, Hilary Swank and Helen Hunt all got divorced within a couple years of winning Academy Awards -- and Julia Roberts broke up with Benjamin Bratt not long after she did. ... Since at least three of these break-ups famously involved the male partners cheating -- and we all know that never happens unless a guy is feeling threatened by a woman's success -- what more evidence do we need that the fundamental problem in each relationship was men suffering "the ultimate castration"? (Aside from, you know, actual castration, which I imagine would feel somewhat more definitive to the man experiencing it.)
When a supposed trend is used to send yet another message that women had best put relationships before careers -- by the way, have you given any thought today to how many eggs you have left, missy? -- I'm always skeptical. But this one is even more ridiculous than most. Grose already made the point a lot more efficiently than I have here: "Needless to say, the notion of a such a curse is a load of bull."'

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