Will the Rise in e-Readers Mean a Rise in Boy’s Reading Levels

Article here. Excerpt:

'It’s no new revelation that boys lag behind girls in reading levels and comprehension. Study after study has found this to be the case. The newest study, which the Center on Education Policy just released, found that while girls have made ground on boys in math, boys still fall behind girls in reading. An excerpt of findings from the report:

In reading, girls outperformed boys in 2008 at the elementary, middle, and high school levels. Higher percentages of girls than boys scored at or above the proficient level on state reading tests at grade 4, grade 8, and high school; in some states, these gaps exceeded 10 percentage points.

In grade 4 reading, higher percentages of girls than boys reached the basic, proficient, and advanced achievement levels in 2008. The median percentages of 4th grade girls reaching all three achievement levels—basic, proficient, and advanced—were higher than the median percentages for boys. (The median is the midpoint; half of the states with sufficient data had percentages above this point and half had percentages below.) In no state did boys outperform girls in reading at any achievement level.”

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