Casey Anthony generates volumes of "leaked" letters

Video report here. Perfect setup for an insanity defense (or an attempt thereat). She claims in these letters that the "end times" are upon is, that she was sexually abused by her brother and dad, admits that at times she used chloroform to put her child to "sleep" to go out at night, that there was never any nanny she claimed there was, etc. etc.

And the drama continues... which is just what she is counting on.

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Is it possible that when desperate women get cornered, desperate women starting false accusing?

Could it be possible that a desperate woman accused of a crime would say, "What me commit a horrible crime? No, look over here at all the smoke. There must be a fire over here. Why don't you look over here and leave me alone?"

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She can also use the Bloody Mary Winkler gambit. She just has to say that whenever she had sex she was forced to wear tacky platform shoes and a K-Mart fright wig. Also, her sex partner insisted against her wishes to insert his wang into he bum. All of this of course would entitle any female to go bonkers and be deserving of a get out of jail with time served pass.

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