Man put on sex offender list for 'sexting'

Story here. Excerpt:

'Two years ago, following a fight with his 16-year-old girlfriend, Phillip Alpert, then 18, did something really stupid.

"It was 3:28 in the morning, I think it was, and I got up and I went to my computer, and I sent a couple of pictures that she had sent to me to her contact list," Alpert told ABC News. "And I went back to sleep."

Because of that single action, Alpert, now 20, is a registered sex offender, Florida Department of Corrections No. x61836. For sending the images, Alpert was arrested on charges of child pornography.
"When I got home, the police were waiting for me," Alpert continued. "They were going through everything that was electronic in my house. My computer, my discs, my MP3 player, just everything. Looking for any other kind of nude photographs, evidence, whatever.
"I was forced to register as a sex offender, and that is wherein lies the big problems," Alpert said. "Being a registered sex offender means ... I can't live like near a school or a playground or a park. There's a whole lot of stuff I can't live near -- bus stops, stuff like that ... so basically, I just can't live in a city. It means every six months I have to register as a sex offender."'

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these extreme laws would be corrected. Women would never accept such a law if it was applied to them also.

(We know that a woman would get a pussy pass automatically.)

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Of course these draconian sex offender registry laws are aimed at men.

However, if men as a group do not actively protest and change them through political action then we deserve what we get!


If we were equally concerned about our civil rights as men as much as we obsess about sports we would not be in this situation.

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To bad we don't have real clout. I mean if the prosecuter was found hanging from a lamp post in front of city hall perhaps they might get the message? We are faced with an onslaught of unconstitutional actions on a daily basis, didn't we once fight over this kind of crap? Peoples lives are being ruined, some for the rest of their lives, and for what purpose? Equal rights, and equal responsibility!

David A. DeLong

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MANN is a free-speech zone and as you know, we don't have many rules here. I am just saying, David, be careful what you post here. Saying that maybe, just maybe, if some gov't official is left swinging from a lamppost, that would be a good way to send a message to city hall -- well, you never know when such a thing could come back to haunt you. And I am guessing you are using your full real name here as your user name. And I also have to say I disagree with this sentiment. Hanging people from lampposts does little for any cause unless that cause already be very popular among the people and the rule of law and legal process, flawed or not, is no longer respected. Is that a world any of us want to live in?

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David is correct in has sentiment. The natural condition of those with power is to turn the others into slaves. The idea that the individual has any power is just the way we are made to feel self important while in actuality we are impotent. However, the only death David needs to fear is his own when he is conscripted in order to be slaughtered, or shot down on the street by a government executioner in blue.

Remember they kill with impunity and justify it with reference to their greater goodness.

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