"The No Nonsense Man" radio show goes live April 1, 2010 9 PM EST

Mark Rudov's new radio show starts tonight. Details:

Broadcast via CBS Radio
Canadians and Other Countries outside the US can listen at:

Program Schedule: 04.01.2010:

9-10PM EST: Second Chances
Why we give each other second chances
Read: “The Vanity of Second Chances”

10-11PM EST: Toxic Women
How men can recognize and avoid them
Guest: Susan Shapiro Barash, Author
"Toxic Friends: The Antidote for Women"
"Stuck in Complicated Friendships"

E-Mail: Marc-at-TheNoNonsenseMan.com
Website: http://TheNoNonsenseMan.com/
Radio: http://MarcRudovRadio.com/
Pilot Show: Thursday, April 1, 2010
Time: 6-8PM PT | 8-10PM CT | 9-11PM ET

Why a pilot on April Fools’ Day?
Answer: Only fools pay for sex

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