Official says football (is) Title IX's biggest problem
Article here. Excerpt:
'NASHVILLE, Tenn. — A wrestling coach sees Title IX being used to discriminate against men. The man who wrote the original legislation thinks it's working well with the numbers of both men and women playing college sports up greatly over the past four decades.
The head of an athletic department in the mighty Southeastern Conference says the biggest problem with meeting gender equity is what he calls the elephant in the room: College football.
"We have 330 varsity athletes, 110 are on the football team," Vanderbilt vice chancellor David Williams said Tuesday night. "So if you want me to get to 50-50, that means I have slots for 55 men other than football."
He cited men forced to play club level sports because of cuts in wrestling, track and field, swimming and other sports. He noted Division I has only 17 men's gymnastics programs left, and he gave examples of programs like a wrestling program at Carson-Newman College in Tennessee that recently lost its team despite a $1 million endowment offer.'
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