The following organizations were early supporters of, and we thank them for their support. If you'd like to trade links with us, see our supporters page.
Let's see if we can get an e-mail campaign against the marketing firm that produced this commercial. How can we find out who made this for Pepto-Bismol?
"Why do you compare men to dogs in one of your ads? Is it due to contempt or just a lack of respect? Needless to say i will be boycotting your products including Gillette and Oral B and i will be urging my friends to do the same
Permalink Submitted by MichaelClaymore on Wed, 2010-03-31 08:55
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We encourage everyone to distribute the information found on our site, and we only ask that you help to spread the word about in the process: so please, say you saw it on!
Thank You!
- The Men's Activist News Network
"You can avoid reality, but you cannot avoid the consequences of avoiding reality." - Ayn Rand
Procter and Gamble
are the company that owns this product
The company's website is here
Note the "supporting mom's" crap
Email them here...
My email below...
"Why do you compare men to dogs in one of your ads? Is it due to contempt or just a lack of respect? Needless to say i will be boycotting your products including Gillette and Oral B and i will be urging my friends to do the same
Rise, Rebel, Resist.