Albany Times-Union: "White men shun Democrats"

Article here. Excerpt:

'Millions of white men who voted for Barack Obama are walking away from the Democratic Party, and it appears increasingly likely that they'll take the midterms elections in November with them. Their departure could well lead to a GOP landslide on a scale not seen since 1994.
...Among whites, 71 percent of men and 56 percent of women favor a smaller government with fewer services over a larger government with more services, according to ABC/Washington Post polling.
This recession remains disproportionately a "he-cession." Men account for at least seven of 10 workers who lost jobs, according to the latest Bureau of Labor Statistics data. Nearly half of the casualties are white men, who held 46 percent of all jobs lost.
...The term "angry white male" or "angry white men" was mentioned 37 times in English-language news media contained in the Nexis database between 1980 and the 1994 election. In the following year, the phrases appear 2,306 times.

Tarnishing their opponents as merely "angry" was poor politics for the Democrats. Liberals know what it's like to have their views -- most recently on the war in Iraq or George W. Bush -- caricatured as merely irrational anger. Most voters vote their interests. And many white men by the 1980s had decided the Democrats were no longer interested in them.

Think about the average working man. He has already seen financial bailouts for the rich folks above him. Now he sees a health care bailout for the poor folks below him. Big government represents lots of costs and little gain.'

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Men are deserting a Democratic party that increasing bites the male hands that feed them. And when we do desert them, we're demonized for it.

What stake do I have when the Democratic party initiates legalized discrimination against men while the Republican party goes along with it. Both parties deserve destruction for what they've done to men and children -- starting with the Democratic party.

Of course if the Republican party decides to embrace reform after the Democratic party finishes burning, then maybe I'll give them a second chance.

The Democrats do not realize that had the financial meltdown happened 9 months later they would not have been as fortunate in the polls.

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Im mostly left wing but let's face it, the Dems are as willing to send men to their deaths as the right wing are, while at the same time giving 45% of the new jobs to women (despite women having lost only 20% of the old ones) and just generally disrespecting men very chance they get. As far as men are concerned Republicans are bad but the Democrats are worse.
Rise, Rebel, Resist.

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