MRA comedy writing group in London looking for collaborators

If you're a pro-equality MRA (male or female), and able to attend a weekly brainstorming meeting in Central London on a Tuesday Evening for two hours, we would like to hear from you - our mission: To manufacture the ultimate MRA stand up comedian.

A lot of comedians appear to be MRAs at heart, but can usually only manage about two jokes on the subject before moving to safer ground. For a standup to deliver solely MRA material for several minutes will be a challenge - but we have a unique plan to get the most out of the group dynamic, to produce material far beyond the sum of our parts. You may be good with concepts and set-ups, or you may be good with language, or you may be good with punch-lines. Whatever you have to offer, we would like to hear from you.

If interested, email with a little bit about yourself - and please have a go at completing in your own way, the following sayings:-

Behind every great man... ? A woman needs a man like a... ? Boys will be... ?

No woman... ? It's a man's... ? Hell hath no fury... ?


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    ...A lot of comedians appear to be MRAs at heart, but can usually only manage about two jokes on the subject before moving to safer ground. For a standup to deliver solely MRA material for several minutes will be a challenge...

I was thinking about this a couple hours before I saw this posted. Comedians know that although men laugh longer, louder and harder, it's the women in the audience who get to decide what's funny. Sorta like earnings vs. purchasing power.

I wonder if these guys can translate American humor into Britticisms?

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