First 'prostidude' leaves Shady Lady Ranch, object of sexual harassment by media and coworkers

Article here. Interesting double standard. Excerpt:

'As far as she is concerned, the way the media in general attacked Markus was more than unfair; it was a double-standard.

"Several papers just cremated him. If it was a woman, they never would have gotten away with it," Davis said.

But no one was quite as cruel as the working women from some other Nevada brothels who posted about Markus on the discussion boards of their Web sites. "They were unmerciful," she said.

Even a few the women at the Shady Lady were "bitchy" about having to work alongside a man, Davis said.

"I don't know why. It's not like they're competing for the same customers."'

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I would. Hostile work environment. Women do it all the time.

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Prostitution has been traditionally the field of women. Men that used women for income have been ridiculed for their behavior more so than women. I can see how a woman that figured she had things all figured out might get a little threatened at a man making a living at what she saw as womans territory. Women are territorial, competative, and sometimes downright nasty as well. Equality is a funny thing. Those that have been crying for it are usually the ones that shun it, for with equality comes certain responsibilities as well.

David A. DeLong

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...that's all this is. I see it on the faces of women when they see a man with a pram - no woman, just dad and the baby. I wouldn't call it open hostility but the gals sure as hell don't look happy to see a man doing what they claim they want us to do! Betty Friedan saw this territoriality when she told Bella Abzug she was setting up NOW - apparently Abzug screamed at her "This is MY turf!"

A man needs a woman like a bicycle needs a fish.

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