Intact America petition needs more signatures

From a recent IA email:

We will be delivering the petitions to CDC headquarters in April with the hopes of convincing them to make the right decision.

But we're still just 4,973 shy of our 25,000 signature goal.

Will you please ask your friends and family to join you in signing the petition to make sure the CDC gets the message that infant circumcision is painful, risky, and ethically wrong? Click here to send them a quick note now.

Based on flawed studies that ignore the risks and ethical concerns of infant circumcision, the CDC may recommend this unnecessary surgery for our baby boys.

We know that safe sexual practices and abstinence – not circumcision – prevent sexually transmitted diseases. And we know that there is NO link between infant circumcision and better health.

We need your help to make sure that the CDC gets the message – and we're just 4,973 signatures away from making sure our voices are heard loud and clear.

Help us reach our 25,000 signature goal by March 31 – ask your neighbors, parents, adult kids, co-workers, siblings, and friends to join you in signing the petition to the CDC today.

Thank you again for all that you do.


Georganne Chapin
Executive Director, Intact America

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