Cops: Man lured by ex, sodomized
Submitted by Matt on Thu, 2010-03-18 20:38
Story here. Excerpt:
'The 29-year-old man told his former lover that he had romance on his mind Sunday night.
His ex, Renada Williams, 28, told him she did, too, but Philadelphia police said she had on her mind a brutal plan of revenge against him.
With her former lover nude and ready for romance at her place, police said, two thugs, 16 and 20, showed up and brutalized him with a broomstick.
Police said they sodomized the man, then pummeled him with the broomstick. After the ordeal, the two tied up the unidentified victim with electrical cords.'
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Women Are The Alpha Males These Days
Paul Elam has three very interesting new videos at www.mensnewsdaily.com. They are at the bottom of the page, at least as of 17 March 2010, and they are entitled The Plague Of Modern Masculinity. This news story is an example of what Paul talks about... women are the new Alpha Males. They call the shots. The men who used to be Alpha Males (Obama for example), they are only the enforcers for the women now (now they are Beta Males). The guys who used to be Beta Males, the ones who were the enforcers for the Alpha Males, they are further down on the totem pole now. Omega Males, they are the rest of the male population, on whom these things are enforced (the victim in this case). Watch Paul's videos and become a Zeta Male, a man who makes his own way through life, not playing these twisted games.
Elam's new article
Paul also has a new article addressing this brutal rape. The point he makes is that this vigilante revenge incited by a false accusation is just the street rendition of the legal lynching done by the folks with robes. In fact, she could have exacted a worse punishment just by pointing her finger. He would've spent years in jail, possibly getting raped repeatedly, been paroled with his life in tatters and consigned to a sex registry for life.
Considering what any woman can do to any man, with little risk or effort, he can almost consider himself lucky.
Re Women Are The Alpha Males These Days
redwoodwriter wrote:
Paul Elam has three very interesting new videos at www.mensnewsdaily.com .........
I like Paul Elam a lot. He's doing a fantastic job at MND. We desperately need champions like him.