Ottawa Citizen: "Psycho chicks, and other Women's Day thoughts"
Article here. The Ottawa Citizens resident misandrist Janice Kennedy is at it again spewing well worn falsehoods and vitriol. Excerpt:
'It is a good time to consider that litany of wrongs (a litany I can't help trotting out every year with depressing predictability) that, so far, have shown little sign of disappearing: wrongs like the terrible injustices done to women in cultures that formally encourage their subjugation. Or the shocking gender discrepancy in poverty rates around the world (including here at home, where we don't formally encourage the subjugation of women). Or the abuse perpetrated overwhelmingly by men against women in what is benignly termed "domestic" violence. Or the stark under-representation of women in meaningful decision-making domains, from corporate boardrooms to political arenas, both backroom and front-of-house.'
*Yawn* The comment section is open. Have at her but be polite.
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