Better get that Louisville Slugger, Mrs. Reid

Article here. Excerpt:

'Fresh from the news that Sen. Reid once marveled that President Obama had "no Negro dialect," the senate majority leader has now taken to slamming half the American population. During a February 22 floor debate on his jobs bill, Mr. Reid opined, "women aren't abusive, most of the time. Men when they're out of work tend to become abusive."

That quip reaped boatloads of sarcastic ridicule for the four-term senator from Nevada.

Within hours of the gaffe, the National Republican Senatorial Committee scolded Reid for "invoking caustic partisan rhetoric and bizarre analogies," and lectured him to "focus on the actual legislation moving forward and start doing what is best for Nevadans."

Reporters who contacted Reid's office were treated rudely as if to say, "How dare you question the veracity of our Exalted Leader?" Some staffers simply hung up on callers.
Nevadans are angry — justifiably so — and are directing much of their ire towards Washington, DC. According to the most recent Rasmussen poll, only 40% of Nevadans plan to vote for Mr. Reid, come November 2. And now that he has stamped the scarlet 'A' on the forehead of every unemployed man in Nevada, that number is certain to drop.

Mr. Reid is beginning to come to terms with the prospect of joining the ranks of unemployed after November's election. So Mrs. Reid, please be careful.'

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