Media coverage report on Reidgate

From MANN reader Ed:

DV Reformers –

Thought you’d be interested to see this report on media coverage of Reidgate. This information has also been posted at




On February 22, Sen. Harry Reid stood on the Senate floor and declared, “Men, when they’re out of work, tend to become abusive.”

Sen. Reid miscalculated in making his remarks on a Monday, allowing the ensuing firestorm of ridicule and protest to rage for an entire week. Following is a summary of what happened, by the numbers:

  1. Length of Sen. Reid’s Senate-floor gaffe: 25 seconds
  2. Number of Google hits for “Harry Reid” and “sexism”: 204,000
  3. Number of Google hits for "Groups Demand Sen. Harry Reid Apologize for Sexist Remarks" (title of Tuesday’s press release): 1,370
  4. Number of Google hits for "Sen. Reid is Cherry-Picking the Research, Experts Say" (title of Wednesday’s press release): 940
  5. Percentage of Nevada voters likely to vote for Harry Reid in November (Rasmussen Reports, Feb. 5): 39-41%
  6. Number of apologies issued by Sen. Reid for stereotyping men as abusers: 0

Following are the awards for the past week’s media coverage of Reidgate:

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