International paternity-custody case points up problems with parental rights policies

From the Colas Family:

This is about what it happening to our kids who are being held in Haiti because of some insane policy.

Evens & Sue Colas

Article here. Excerpt:

5:32 P.M. — PALM BAY — Born in Haiti but a naturalized U.S. citizen, Evens Colas said he fell in love with his two children the moments they came into the world 15 and 13 years ago in Port-au-Prince.

He split his time between Haiti and the United States as he and his Haitian wife raised them. And he cared for them through her illness and death in 2004, even though a DNA test taken as part of the process to bring them to the United States showed he wasn't their biological father.

At the time, Colas didn't believe it.

A later test, however, confirmed the shocking news. And the fact of their fatherhood continues to haunt the 49-year-old Palm Bay musician who believes he is at a dead end in rescuing the children from the earthquake-ravaged capital city where they live with his mother and their maternal grandmother.

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