Intact America: Big opportunity in Massachusetts

From an IA email:

It could all start to change in Massachusetts. On March 2, the Massachusetts State Senate will consider the Male Genital Mutilation Bill, legislation that would outlaw genital mutilation of both young girls AND boys in Massachusetts.

The deadline is rapidly approaching and we urgently need your help to show Massachusetts legislators why passing this bill is the right thing to do.

Submit your own personal story about why you oppose infant circumcision before March 2 – and we'll make sure your testimony is heard by the Massachusetts State Senate Joint Committee.

Time and again, Intact America has seen just how powerful stories like yours can be.

More than statistics, policy papers, or even medical information, first-hand accounts from people's real life experiences are what change the way even the most skeptical person thinks about circumcision.

Congress banned female genital mutilation in the U.S. in 1996. But no one has ever considered extending the same protection to baby boys – until now!

This is the first time a Male Genital Mutilation Bill has made it to debate in a state legislature. We cannot let this opportunity pass us by.

With your help, I know we can get Massachusetts to see circumcision for what it really is: unnecessary, risky, harmful, and ethically wrong.

Your story has the power to finally win baby boys the protection they deserve so please submit your personal testimony before March 2!

Once you've shared your own story, please help spread the word about this time-sensitive opportunity.

Thank you for helping us make the most of this unique opportunity, and we'll keep you posted as the legislative process unfolds!


Georganne Chapin

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This is great news, but I am not holding my breath (sorry to be pessimistic).

I did send a comment to support the bill.

Some good news: I have convinced my husband to not circumcise a baby boy if we should have one. So you guys may save at least one baby from circumcision, as I never would have thought about it if I hadn't joined this group.

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It is a barbaric and discredited surgical procedure that was exposed as "junque science" some time ago.

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I was looking for an update on this news.

From what I understand it looks like the bill was filed but was not taken seriously and was never even brought up for discussion during the session.

The biggest concern is that it did not allow for religious exemptions, and there is a great fear that people will turn to back ally circumcisions for the sake of keeping religious traditions.

Here is a comment board that seems to be laughing at the people that supported such a bill.

The comments are slowing down as it has been up for awhile, but the last comment was yesterday. It wouldn't hurt if some members here could post a thing or two about the ethics of circ.

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... a perfectly good excuse? When people bring this up I tell them I belong to a religion that says it's fine to sacrifice other people's babies to my god and that I should be allowed to do this since it is the free exercise of my religion. Not having other people's babies available, I can use my own. Barring that I should also be permitted to cut off their arms and legs if that suits my god or if less is demanded, well, some part of his penis. Now why is THAT OK and not the other stuff?

Or how about a religion that says it gives one credit to kill and die in the name of God if other people do not subscribe to the same religion, and that this is moral and ethical to do so? Is that tolerable in the name of the free exercise of religion?

I am amazed at how some people's critical thinking skills (assuming they had any to begin with) shut down whenever religion is introduced to the mix. But by this time I really shouldn't be.

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