Woman sentenced to three years in jail for false rape accusation

Story here. Excerpt:

'A young mother who falsely cried rape, sending an innocent man to prison for nearly four years, will experience firsthand what he suffered -- she'll spend one to three years behind bars for perjury.

"I wish her the best of luck," said William McCaffrey last night of Biurny Peguero Gonzalez.

"Jail isn't easy."
McCaffrey said he has some sympathy for Gonzalez and hopes she "doesn't go through what I went though.

"I was an accused rapist in prison," he said, adding that in prison, "rape is the worst crime possible."

All is clearly not forgiven.

A person who would "lie and paint somebody as a rapist is worse than a real rapist or a real murderer," McCaffrey said.'

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She will spend 1/4 the time he spent in prison. She will serve her time at a WOMENS facility, he did his at a mens prison. She'll come out with an education if she wants, they stopped that for men. She'll get counseling in prison, and time to spend in the play room with her kids. She'll get better food, more time to wear her own clothes, more time out of her cell etc....

Plus, i read all 13 pages of comments on the original article and while many thought she got off WAY to easy, and I agree, there were allot who thought the judge did the right thing in taking into account her confession as reason to give her such a light sentence.

To them I would point out that her confession cam about AFTER DNA EVIDENCE surface. So her confession cannot be trusted any more then her original accusation because she was likely doing exactly the same thing she did that night by confessing her wrong doing - trying to avoid getting in trouble for her actions.

Like a child confessing under pressure from a parent - "You won't get in trouble if you tell me what you did, but if you keep telling me you weren't bad and I find out that you did something bad, then you are really going to be in trouble" - she was merely looking for the easiest way to avoid accountability for her actions. That night she accused Mr McCaffrey, she was trying to avoid getting in trouble with her friends. Now that she has been caught, well, find a fucking priest and have a "spiritual awakening" to save her hide from prison.

Now, to anyone who thinks she is not worse then a rapist. In the USA, sadistic men who lock up people and torture them for 4 years get life without parole. She got one year. Still not convinced what she did was worse then rape?

Well, then choose which you would prefer, being raped one time non-violently leaving no physical scars whatsoever, or 4 years in prison being considered the lowest form of life in the facility? I bet you picked being rape, I know I would.

plus, where the hell is the registry for false accusers? I'd rather know my future sons are safe from serial liars then know some guy once streaked in public trying to get into a fraternity on my street.

Where's the justice for men? Why are our lives, our feelings and our futures so overlooked and worthless?

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Yes as retribution and proportionality goes this is pretty pathetic. Actually her crime is one that usually the Bench takes seriously. Perverting the course of justice and perjury are crimes that normally attract a heavy sentence. Not in this case though. The punishment is really only token.

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Sentence her to TWICE the time he spent in prison!!

THAT would be justice and send a message to any other regarding FRAMING somebody.

oregon dad

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