Women only: Japan airline to have female toilets

Story here. Excerpt:

'TOKYO (Reuters) - Women flying Japan's All Nippon Airways will have a toilet all to themselves from next month, with the airline designating one restroom on most international routes as female-only.

The airline said in a statement it was responding to "numerous requests for this service," adding that the toilet would be located in the rear of the plane and be available to women passengers from all classes.

An airline official told Kyodo news agency that ANA decided to designate women-only lavatories based on a 2007 online survey in which 90 percent of the women polled said they found the idea attractive.

The official also said women do not like using shared toilets as men sometimes leave the seat up. She said demand for women-only toilets was especially high among passengers taking long flights.

Men would be allowed to use the lavatory only in emergencies or when there were very few female passengers on the flight, the ANA statement said.'

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What did the men think about it? Or is this just another business that takes the male dollar for granted.

Screw them!

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...as everyone knows, boys have cooties! Not to mention boy germs!

Rise, Rebel, Resist.

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They can't figure out how to put a seat down!

How about a men-only bathroom. How well would that idea fly?

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already have a mens and womens room on the plane, I'm not sure what the deal is here.

So JAL flights only have one rest room? Are they switching to the North American standard of one for men and one for women, or are they giving women one just for them but they can still use the mens room if they so choose?

Personally, I do not see a problem with unisex bathrooms, but that may be due to the fact that I have two gay relatives and several gay friends so I have been to allot of gay bars where unisex bathrooms are the standard. Trust me, TONS of women go to gay bars, and I've never witnessed anyone getting assaulted in the bathroom, and the women in gay bars are at least 10 times more sexually aggressive then then men in straight bars. No idea why, guess it has something to do with forbidden fruit or something but women in men's gay bars are much more crude, vulgar and sexual then your average drunk guy in a regular night club.

I guess in general though, I'd rather not have to check for menstrual blood on the underside of the toilet seat in a public washroom when I have to take care of some urgent business. Anyone who thinks womens public washrooms are cleaner then mens public washrooms has never cleaned public washrooms.

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they're changing one of their toilets to women-only. The rest will be for women and men. So women will have more toilets and the choice, men will effectively be barred from one of the existing toilets.

It's not that I (or most, I bet) men mind sharing a toilet with women. They moan about guys being messy, but I have two daughters and man can it be scary in there after they've been in. Women are very good at blaming men for mess or smell in the loo, whilst completely missing the fact that their **** stinks too.

But that's not the point.

The point is that men are progressively being treated like second class citizens. More and more organisations are saying that women need special treatment, special services and places of their own, effectively elevating them to the status of 'better human beings'. It was really only very recently in our history that being black would fetch you the same treatment, and if we're not careful we'll be in the same place. Where I live, the only gym in the area only accepts women, and proudly boasts of it - their advertising shows a guy putting on a dress and make-up and trying to get in. There are women-only hotel floors, cark parks, clubs, services, spas, train carriages, you name it.

The point is, we keep on accepting it, and sooner or later we're going to end up standing at the back of the bus whilst all the women sit. And it's one step from there to living in a shanty town outside the walls, and coming in when the women need someone to unplug the sink.

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Women are very good at blaming men for mess or smell in the loo, whilst completely missing the fact that their **** stinks too.

Amen brother. My wife thinks she smells like a rose.
As to the toilets. I must have missed the womens and mens toilets on planes I thought they were unisex and I have flown over 10 times in the last nine months.
Anyway If I fly JAL and I encounter the wimmins only bathroom I will be sure to christen the floor.


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The president of the National Coalition for Men has written the president of All Nippon Airways and the California Attorney General regarding ANA's sex-discrimination by having women-only bathrooms and not also men-only bathrooms.

The letter can be found at the following:

In Aviation Online Magazine

also on http://facebook.ncfm.org

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Before I had kids I used to fly several times a year, and all restrooms on planes I flew were unisex.

But I agree, "women only" toilets would be discriminatory.

** I should add that I would be apprehensive about flying any airline that asks you to use the restroom before boarding to "reduce the overall weight of the plane".

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