Advocating emasculation in the mainstream press

Article here Ho hum. It's a 'jokey' headline of course, but (as usual) reverse the genders and see how it looks. Excerpt:

'And then there were five. At the last oiled body count, that was the number of young women claiming to have had sex with serial cheater Ashley Cole (link added).

No wonder his poor wife Cheryl has finally dumped him - by long-distance text, a nicely brutal touch.
Despite Cheryl's neck tattoo - a large 'Mrs Cole' in pretty, cursive script - her assertion that 'this is the man I am going to have my babies with' and her promise that 'he's learning, he has a beautiful soul, he's a really nice guy', the curtain has come down on their goldfish bowl marriage.

Apparently, Cheryl is returning home shortly to consult lawyers and chop their assets in half. If that is the only thing chopped in half, then Ashley Cole remains a lucky man. For the time being. This soap opera isn't over until the small lady sings.'

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