Abusegate: Teaching Women to Falsely Accuse

Article here. Excerpt:

'False accusations of rape, sexual assault, and domestic violence are not an anomaly.

Sociologist Eugene Kanin did two studies of rape claims among university students. The first found a 50% false accusation rate, the second reported 41% of women later recanted their stories.

Studies of domestic violence accusations paint a similar picture.

One analysis of protective orders in West Virginia found seven of 10 orders were unnecessary or false. A Massachusetts inquiry found over half of protective order petitions did not even allege physical abuse.
Lawyers are well aware of the problem. Elaine Epstein, former president of the Massachusetts Bar Association, revealed, "Everyone knows that restraining orders and orders to vacate are granted to virtually all who apply." And Casey Gwinn, a nationally-known domestic violence prosecutor, admits, "If we prosecuted everybody for perjury that gets on a witness stand and changes their story, everybody would go to jail."

The federal Violence Against Women Act — VAWA — bears much of the responsibility for this legal travesty. VAWA teaches women to bear false witness in five ways:

First, VAWA subscribes to the dubious proposition that any slight — physical, psychological, or financial — is a form of "violence." That includes raising your voice, furrowing your brow, even sticking out your tongue. In most states, any woman who claims to be "fearful" — no evidence required — is entitled to a protective order.
Fifth, there are no penalties for women who manipulate the system. If a woman wants to make a man's life miserable, she can keep going back to the courthouse, rehashing her sob-story about being "harassed" or "stalked" or "abused." No evidence is required, not even an allegation of actual violence.'

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