Duke lacrosse accuser charged with attempted murder, arson

Story here. Excerpt:

'Durham, N.C. — Durham police arrested Duke lacrosse accuser Crystal Gale Mangum, 33, late Wednesday after she allegedly assaulted her boyfriend, set his clothes on fire in a bathtub and threatened to stab him.

Her bond was set at $1 million. Mangum has been appointed a public defender and is scheduled to appear in court on Feb. 22.

Police charged her with attempted first-degree murder, five counts of arson, assault and battery, communicating threats, three counts of misdemeanor child abuse, injury to personal property, identity theft and resisting a public officer.
When officers arrived, they found Mangum and her boyfriend, Milton Walker, 33, fighting. According to police documents, Mangum scratched, punched and threw objects at Walker and told him, "I'm going to stab you, (expletive)!"

She then went into a bathroom and set his clothes on fire in the bathtub, police said. Officers called the fire department to put out the flames. No one was injured.

Milton was not charged in the incident, police said. The three children inside the house, ages 3, 9 and 10, were not injured.

Mangum is the author of the memoir "Last Dance for Grace." She was a student at North Carolina Central University in 2006 and also worked as an exotic dancer when she performed at the now infamous Duke lacrosse party.

It was there, she claimed, that three white members of the team trapped her inside a bathroom and raped and sexually assaulted her. The three players were indicted on rape and other charges on the basis of her allegations and were eventually exonerated after North Carolina's attorney general dismissed the case.'

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Well, it won't be long now boys, before we have enough cases to lobby our politicians and judges to tie up Lady Justices blindfold nice and tight so she can't peek to see if the accused possesses a pussy pass.

This piece of human waste should have been charged and thrown in jail for the sentences that those boys would have received if convicted of rape already. She should have never had the chance to endanger those children or attempt to kill her boyfriend.


Mike Nifong should be charged for letting her go the first time. Imagine the heat he would have gotten if he let the Duke boys go and then one of 'em would have actually raped a woman a few years later. He should get TWICE that heat for letting this lying psychopath go only for her to attempt to murder her boyfriend with three pre-teen children in the house at the time. Talk about messing up kids minds as bad as rape, imagine if she should have succeeded in killing him in front of them how messed up they would be.

Trust me, I'd MUCH rather have some guy who had sex with his under aged girlfriend in a car and got caught living on my street without me knowing about it (I wouldn't give a shit even if I did know about it) then this woman. She IS a danger to society and is MUCH more deserving of scrutiny then your average sex offender (because your average sex offender is NOT a rapist)

But see the hypocrisy of society? We punish the living hell out of certain groups, yet let obviously dangerous people who HAVE inflicted harm on others right up to murder in the case of Amy Bishop and Miss Magnum (who still gets her real name protected) raped three boys. Why are these people allowed to walk among us with no signs on their lawns? Why aren't we protected from them? Why the hell do they escape criminal charges again and again and again? Will Crystal Magnum get away with this? Will her pussy work again and get her off? When will we start actually locking up dangerous people and letting non-violent offenders get the help they need? Most prisons are full to over flowing with drug addicts not murders. We let out the dangerous ones because there is no room in prison because the people that need help but are not dangerous are taking up the space instead.

Lock up this woman and throw away the key. She has had to many chances already and clearly is dangerous.

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Female batterer's violence is greeted by domestic violence industry toadies with an endless string of excuses. "She was abused here," they say, "She was traumatized there." But the same methodology does not exist, when a man is accused of d.v. Oh no, men exist in a neatly confined space, wherein everything they do wrong is all there fault, and nobody, or nothing else.

When I am sent to jury service, I serve under duress, and will not follow a judges instructions on law if it contradicts the U.S. Constitution. Our legal system is too misandrist and corrupt for ethically upright citizens to participate.

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One of the objectives of incarceration is that we get dangerous criminals off the street, and away from others who these criminals might harm. By continuing to allow Crystal Gale and Amy Bishop to walk on our streets, our governments have endangered the health of many others. This is a gross lapse of the government's judgement to protect people.

It is kind of pathetic that our justice system is so weak and so anti-male, that it needs such flagrant examples of female criminals who have offended again and again, examples that are in the news again and again, and still the government gives these women "the pass."

I hope an aggressive attorney out there has the BALLS to bring a lawsuit against the government agencies that keep failing to prosecute female criminals, that keeps putting these criminals back out on our streets.

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"My heart goes out to her," Joseph Cheshire, who represented one of the accused lacrosse players.

Kiss my ass!

Rise, Rebel, Resist.

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It is evident that North Carolina has dumped the misandrist DV statutes or the monster would have been charged with it when she was arrested.

Police charged her with attempted first-degree murder, five counts of arson, assault and battery, communicating threats, three counts of misdemeanor child abuse, injury to personal property, identity theft and resisting a public officer

No domestic violence charge here! So that must mean DV is no longer on the books in North Carolina....right?

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For a card carrying member of the fairer sex to get that many charges thrown at her is a hell of a step in the right direction.

Plus, Attempted first degree murder trumps a DV charge in severity and sentence if convicted. It was discretionary and they chose to hit her with the most severe charge they could.

It's obvious that at least so far the arresting police department is not a fan of hers because they piled on the charges heavy.

She can plead DOWN to a DV charge and that's what will likely happen, but if she gets convicted of attempted first degree murder she's almost certainly looking at a stiff prison sentence. DV is a misdemeanor in most states, attempted fist degree murder is a class A felony with mandatory sentences in most states.

They did not go easy on her in laying charges. It remains to be seen if that trend continues to trial or if she will be offered a deal to plead down to some shitty little misdemeanor and get probation and counseling. If she goes to trial and gets a jury that has heard about the Duke case she's going to prison this time.

Problem is her lawyer probably knows that and will get her a good plea deal by arguing that she can't get a fair trial due to the Duke case being so well known. Though the prosecutor could just ask that all references to the Duke case be excluded and her birth name (which still isn't being widely publicized) used so none of the jury know who she is.

It will certainly be interesting to watch this one unfold.

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