Accused Alabama Shooter Fought With Neighbors, Told Family She Was Stalked

Story here. Excerpt:

'Accused Alabama shooter Amy Bishop screamed and cursed at children, instigating confrontations with their parents, according to former neighbors who painted a frightening portrait of an woman accused of a killing rampage.

Former Massachusetts neighbors described the brilliant scientist as a woman who 15 years ago had "face-to-face, nose-to-nose confrontations" over evening basketball games, skateboarders and even whether an ice cream truck would be allowed on the child-friendly street.
Schizophrenia can be marked by social isolation, odd behavior, "strange disordered" thinking and speaking, poor hygiene and lack of friends, according to Galynker.

Often people don't notice signs until more serious symptoms emerge.

"Brilliant scientists are supposed to be crazy," he told
Ochberg, who is an expert in psychopathic predators and mass shootings, said female shooters are rare, but he admits, "mothers have done tragic things. They have killed their kids."

"In general being a woman and a mother makes you more in tune with your feelings, more nurturing and sympathetic," said Ochberg. "I believe men are from Mars and women are from Venus, but some women are from Mars."'

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I'll bet when all is said and done, this murdering lunatic (by my count, 4 dead bodies: her brother + the three other profs -- and in this latest spree, there would have been plenty more had her gun not jammed) will *maybe* get 10-20, with time off for good behavior and of course, plenty of mental health care. Three counts of capital murder? LOL! Not unless you're male need you fear the dire consequences of a guilty verdict.

The Pu$$y Pass: What a price society pays for it.

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It seems like women get away with an insanity defense much more often than men do. They claim post-partum depression, being on their period, upset from relationship breakup, whatever. It would be an interesting project for an academic to perform - how many convicted male murderers actually get their sentences reduced because they claim insanity, and how many female murderers get their sentences reduced for the same reason. Maybe this imbalance is just my subjective viewpoint? Then again, maybe this is in fact just another form of "the pass" that women get?

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"In general being a woman and a mother makes you more in tune with your feelings, more nurturing and sympathetic," said Ochberg.

Evidence please.

Rise, Rebel, Resist.

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She was perfectly in tune with her feelings of MURDEROUS RAGE
she was highly nurturing of her own inflated EGO
And she was very sympathetic to her plight of not being granted tenure

Just because one is in tune with their feeling does not mean those feelings are positive feelings

Just because one nurtures does not mean they nurture good qualities in others

Just because one is sympathetic does not mean they are merciful

In other words, who cares about proof of those qualities. NONE of those qualities preclude women or mothers from or make them any less likely to commit acts of horrific evil then anyone else.

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