Alleged University Shooter Was Suspect in Harvard Professor Bomb Attempt

Story here. Excerpt:

'An Alabama professor accused of shooting six colleagues was a suspect in the attempted mail bombing of a Harvard Medical School professor in December of 1993, the Boston Globe reported.

Amy Bishop and her husband James Anderson were questioned by authorities after a package with two bombs were sent to Dr. Paul Rosenberg, the newspaper reported.

When Rosenberg saw the long, thin package had wires and a cylinder inside, he and his wife called police and ran from their Newton, Mass. home Dec. 19, 1993, the Globe reported.

Two 6-inch pipe bombs connected to two nine-volt batteries were found in the package.

The new information comes a day after information surfaced that Bishop killed her brother. The 1986 shooting was ruled accidental and no charges were filed against her.'

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It appears that Police gave this woman the pass on the shooting of her brother, and then they gave her the pass again when it came to bombing her professor's home. Are the Police going to give her the pass again when it comes to shooting up the faculty at the Alabama university? When we keep giving women the pass, when we keep allowing them to get away with stuff like this, it's a public health hazard, it's a danger to everyone (not just women and children). This is a good example of gender discrimination in the investigation of crimes. We have many examples of gender discrimination in the conviction rates, and again in the sentencing after a criminal has been convicted. The question is: Will the MRAs use this case as a good example of what happens when we keep giving women the pass? Can we use this to press for true gender equality in the criminal justice system?

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Though we will be up against - "But this is woman is an anomaly. No need to make rules for the exception" voice of feminists and lawmakers.

Never mind that your kid is more likely to die from an animal attack on a field trip to a local zoo then be abducted by a human "predator". Making rules for rare anomalies only applies when the rare cases involve male perpetrators.

We MUST use the hysteria building methods feminists used to get men who piss on bushes listed as a threat to children, but we have a MUCH harder fight trying to convince the general public that if one woman can do this then we need to suspect ALL women the way we suspect ALL men.

I still say let the bitch go in this case under the condition that she only be allowed to work in women's studies departments at Ivy League schools from now on. That way feminists can finally experience first hand the old saying "Be careful what you wish for because you just might get it"

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