U of Alabama shooter is the same "Amy Bishop" from 1986 news headlines

I knew I had heard that name before! Turns out she is the exact same "Amy Bishop" who shot and killed her brother back in 1986 - yet the death was deemed an accident. Read it here. And get this: The file on that case is missing! Excerpt:

'Bishop is the University of Alabama, Huntsville professor accused of killing three of her colleagues and wounding three others on Friday.

Braintree Police Chief Paul Frazier said the file of the 1986 shooting which the police closed as an accidental gun discharge, is missing.

He added that from what could be pieced together, the police chief in 1986 ordered Bishop released even before her arrest was formalized.
Bishop killed her brother with a shotgun blast in 1986 in Braintree, Mass. in what she said at the time was an accident, according to the Boston Globe and other news outlets.'

Stay tuned - skeletons are going to pop out of closets and people who thought they were safe from scrutiny over the 1986 case will now be scrambling to explain the whos and whys.

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"The file on that case is missing! Excerpt:"

Missing, or expunged???

If it was ruled and accident, she may have not wanted that on her records. It - - - could have hurt her chances for promotion. Did she hire a lawyer to get it off her records? How would one even be able to find that out if it was expunged?

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The same state that gave use the Ted Kennedy/Mary Jo Kopechne judicial farce did the same for this female killer. Who says high social status doesn't get you a higher brand of justice?

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If Mark Walsh has taught me anything it's that people who commit one crime will eventually go on a killing spree.

I mean,if we assume that a drunk pissing on a bush is a ticking time bomb just waiting for the opportunity to hijack a school bus full of kids and eat them, thus requiring registration on the same list as some one who did rape and murder children, we must assume people who commit acts of violence against family (or anyone really) will one day shoot up a place of work. If mass hysteria is to reign supreme in one area of the law it might has well take over the whole damn legal field.

We need registries of violent youth so that this NEVER happens again! Think of the children (and the young man she originally killed)!!

There is no such thing as harmless, accidental or self defense. These monsters must be stopped! Now that there is one example to use on posters of a woman going on a killing spree later in life after murdering a family member we MUST pass all kinds of crazy laws to protect the children!

Oh well, at least she'll get tenure at the next university she applies to work at when she finishes her community service. Even the feminists who created the legal system that will probably allow this monster to get probation for this will be to scared to refuse her application for tenure lol. Wonder if they'll rethink their approach to the legal system when they have to WORK WITH this psycho lol. Hell, maybe that's what we need to get gender bias noticed in the legal system AND to get feminists (who develop their ideas through work in our universities) to shut the hell up about how great this bias is.

Let this bitch free and give her a job at whatever school she wants!

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