Three killed in U. of Alabama shooting; star female professor in custody

Story here. It seems a female professor decided to go Rambo after being denied tenure*. Read the story quickly because I'm sure it will be shuffled to the back page in a matter of minutes. At least on CBC, the story is short, vague and understated. Excerpt:

'Three people were killed and several more injured in a shooting Friday in a science building at the University of Alabama's Huntsville campus, university officials said.

A woman was in custody, but university spokesman Ray Garner said he could not identify her or the victims. Local television stations reported she is a faculty member.

Trent Willis, chief of staff for Huntsville Mayor Tommy Battle, said several other people had been shot in addition to the four Garner reported, but he did not have an exact number or their conditions.'

*Ed. note: I don't see that mentioned in the article. Possibly Scottie knows this from another source, but the article itself does not contain that as a fact.

Update (2/13/10 2:35 PM US-EST): CNN story page here. More comprehensive, mentioning tenure. But I notice that CNN, like other sites, also no longer has this piece as a main-page news article, opting instead to run a story about some lost letters of Princess Di (I preserve it here). Came and went fast, didn't it?

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I just googled and picked one. The comments below the CBC story seem to accept this as a given, however, I admit that this has not been uniformly reported.

As I predicted, CBC news now has this off the main headlines. Granted, CBC is a Canadian news source and this is an American story.

Note that they are interviewing a man in connection with this event.
"Officers also revealed they were interviewing a man as “a person of interest” related to the inquiry. "

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Looking for some way to pin this on her husband? Another SNAFU...

District Attorney Ron Broussard said he did not think Bishop has a lawyer. Her husband, James Anderson, was detained and questioned Friday, though he has not been charged.

Students' assessments of Bishop varied. Some recalled an attentive, friendly teacher, while others said she was an odd woman who couldn't simplify difficult subjects for students. Sammie Lee Davis, the husband of a tenured researcher who was killed, said his wife had described Bishop as "not being able to deal with reality" and "not as good as she thought she was."

Yep, sounds like a typical Harvard educated feminist.

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I know it's a big deal. But when a prof is denied tenure, he or she simply goes to another uni and sees if they can make friends there. It's really all about making friends with faculty, esp. senior ones (who are of course the members of the tenure committee). For those unfamiliar with this thing called tenure, read here.

But one does not shoot the place up.

The point of putting this story on MANN is just this: Everyone needs to be reminded regularly that women are capable of and do perform acts of extraordinary violence; that to go on what I call "nymphotropic auto-pilot" and pretend they do not is not only unjust and inaccurate but downright dangerous to oneself and others. If for example a female (vs. a male) says "I will kill you if you don't do XYZ," that is not something you can just brush off. That is a real threat and should be handled the same way you would if a man had made it: call the cops on her, or if needed, take whatever immediate action is needed to ensure life/safety. Remember this observation: A man's outward image of strength is his greatest weakness while a woman's outward image of weakness is her greatest strength. Don't fall prey to this fact.

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I have dated a few feminist women (a big mistake in retrospect), and a few of them have threatened to kill me. Oh sure, when they were confronted about it, they say they were joking. But I have never been threatened this way by a man. Perhaps these feminist women threaten me with death because I stand up to their fantasies, and I tell them that I don't agree with their point of view. I believe there is a larger problem of feminist women believing that they "can have it all," and then going postal when they are confronted with cold-hard-reality. It's time that we stopped treating women as though they were princesses, stopped leading them to believe that they can get whatever they want, stopped letting them believe they can terrorize others into submitting to their feminist demands with death threats (or mass murder rampages).

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