NY Daily News touts "Deadbeat Dad" disparagement

Article here. Excerpt:

'Michael Lohan is a deadbeat dad.

"It's almost been a year without child support," Dina Lohan said after a closed door meeting with her ex-husband in Nassau County Family Court on Tuesday.

The parents of troubled starlet Lindsey Lohan have been squabbling over court-ordered child support payments.

It's unclear how much Michael Lohan owes, but TMZ.com reported it was more than $15,000.

"I just want him to do the right thing. I just want him to take care of his kids," Dina Lohan said after the meeting. "This isn't about us. It's about his children."'

So the Lohans (ie, Lindsay and her mother) can't get by without $15k over a year's time in addition to whatever it is they are taking in by being famous?

But we know know this isn't about the money. It's about finding ways to humiliate some guy who is undoubtedly getting dragged though the ringer in the post-divorce-go-to-court-over-everything phase. And we have the NY Daily News to thank for keeping a certain tradition of dad-bashing going, too.

Anyone ever seen a headline that reads "<Name>: Deadbeat mom <name> hasn't paid child support in nearly a year"? This is so possibly because so few women do not get custody of the kids and thus so few are required even to pay child support.

Deadbeat, indeed.

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I really really really do not want to defend Dina Lohan, as I think she is the lowest form of a mother.

But Lindsey Lohan, her famous daughter, is an adult living on her own, so whatever Lindsey makes is not part of the family's income. The support the article is referring to is for the younger kids (three of them, I think) who are under 18 and living with their mother.

I don't believe Dina Lohan makes that much, and who knows what she spends her money on. The dad does owe support for his children, IMO, as it indicates that he has paid nothing for the past year.

The article did indicate that things are amicable between them and the father is in agreement that he owes. Since that is the case, I cannot figure out why Dina Lohan would blab this personal information to the media. Just shows how tacky she is.

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