Abusegate: Next Week it's OUR Turn!

From MANN reader, Ed:

Over the last umpteen years, the VAWA Mafia has stage-managed the public discourse on domestic violence, in the process disseminating an untold number of half-truths, misrepresentations, and lies.

Just consider all the publicity that NOW president Terry O’Neil garnered the last few days over her single remark on the Tim Tebow Super Bowl ad: "I am blown away at the celebration of the violence against women in it."

So next week, it's OUR turn to speak out!

To move the Abusegate, Investigate! campaign into the public eye, we'll be doing press releases, radio interviews, a phone-a-thon, and more. We want the public to understand the extent to which federal laws have been ignored, Constitutional protections trampled upon, and families upended.

Say it loud, say it proud: "Abusegate, Investigate!"

In the meantime, we invite you to bone up on the issue by checking out 50 Domestic Violence Myths (.pdf file).

For more information, visit: http://abusegate.mensnewsdaily.com/.

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