Abusegate: Abusegate campaign launches web site
From Ed: In our ongoing effort to expose the fraudulent and discriminatory practices of the domestic violence industry, our Abusegate campaign now has its own webpage on the website of Men’s News Daily.
To visit the Abusegate page, go to http://mensnewsdaily.com/ and then click on the picture of the little boy covering his face with his hands (this image highlights how the DV industry exploits children by separating them from their fathers). Or you can link directly to the Abusegate page: http://abusegate.mensnewsdaily.com/.
To leverage the visibility of this international awareness campaign, we invite you to post the words “Abusegate, Investigate!” on your website, and provide a link to http://abusegate.mensnewsdaily.com/.
2010 is the year that we put VAWA’s Pandora back in her box.
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