NYTimes: Shortage of college men makes for female "victims"

Article here. Not that anyone would find a misandrist slant surprising at the NYT, but now they're claiming that the absence of men on university campuses is really a bigger problem for women. Why? Because the poor women can't find dates. Or because “girls feel pressured to do more than they’re comfortable with". Remember that this is the same newspaper that recently ran a whole slew of sympathetic articles claiming that women are only 16% of the military (also men's fault, of course). Where is the sympathetic article about the under-enrollment of men in higher education?

The author is careful to toast "female achievement" and boast about eliminating "affirmative action for boys" while happily dismissing an entire generation of men - particularly black and Hispanic men - who will experience less-than-equal opportunity.

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and start competing for real world jobs with those
affirmative action degrees. just what everybody is looking for,
an overpriced, undereducated, precious princess, whose coursework includes
an emphasis on 'wymen's studies', and likely to
scream discrimination against any male who tries to actualy work.
yeah, they'll be lining up to hire these pampered pu$$ies.

i see the u.s. commish on civil rights is looking into the records
of 19 universities to see if they are discriminating against women.
yeah, that's a BIG problem. more waste of our tax $$, as usual.
did anyone in this art. mention the free ride most of these women
are getting in college?

if you can't bring yourself to look at the real truth, you will never see
the real problem.

remindes me of the joke - what were custer's last words?


same warped logic here. and the downward spiral continues in these
united states of the (borrowed) handout.

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Now it's a lack of dates for women?

Seems either way, it's 1) bad for women and 2) men's fault, somehow.

Here's a few suggestions: Stop using "affirmative action" and also stop discriminating vs. anyone in admissions while also reforming the pre-collegiate schools so that they no longer cater to girls and foil boys' efforts to get something like an education.

And of course, stop dreaming up sets of data and studies to support things like date rape hysteria.

That's just for starters.

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Who would have thought there was an upside to less boys in college? The less boys dating these girls, the less boys getting serious and eventually marrying these girls, ergo, less men being ruined by divorce lawyers!
Rise, Rebel, Resist.

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Not enough women in college? Women are the victims and it's men's fault. Too many women in college? Women are the victims and it's mens fault.

I wonder why the author of this story didn't think that the shortage of women in the military was also news worthy. After all the military is 81% male, which blows the male/female college ratio out of the water. My ship was an all male ship making my work/living environment 100% male for 8 months out of the year.

This skewed ratio, along with financial incentives from the military such as money for dependents and off base housing; pressures many men to do things they aren't comfortable doing. Such as a 18 year old marrying a middle age cougar with multiple kids. Or forgiving sea-widows [Navy wives] for cheating on sailors while they are deployed. I've seen things like this again, and again. They always end up as trainwrecks for the men involved.

Unlike college women young men in the military can look forward to 14 hour days 7 days a week while deployed, along with the possibility of being maimed, killed, or developing PTSD. Women who go to a university while letting the government pay for their education with pell grants, going to class for a few hours a day, partying all night, and getting a good paying job with upward mobility looks like a pretty good deal in comparison.

But if these women still think they are getting a raw deal they are free to drop out of college and engage in unskilled work: the military, garbage collection, or construction are three traditionally male fields of work for unskilled laborers. Go head and put your money where your mouth is ladies! Why should men be having all of the fun?

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A good comment from one of the people relying to the article:

Could someone please explain to me why the experts consulted in this article should be allowed to assume that it is somehow better/fairer that these men should have been forced into relationships to get their person needs filled, than what is described as happening now. There is a clear bias toward the view that it is right for a man to give up his freedom for sex but not for a woman to give sex in return for companionship.

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on returning from war that the men are forbidden
from having sex while deployed (prostitutes/locals). However, the
women/whores can screw their brains out (their words),
get progo, and get to go home, get a discharge (w/ full benefits),
and suck up at uncle sugar's teat for the rest of their lives.
not to mention, make some soldier a servant for 18-20,
once he gets through being punished for having sex.
that's fair. really looking out for the troops, eh?

yeah, let's just keep on letting leeches turn the
finest military in the world into a women/child care center;
and, they are building them all over the place on these bases.
wherever there is a gov check to be had...
the buzzards will be a circlin'.

and the downward spiral continues.

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