Abusegate: Budget proposal includes increase for women's programs

From MANN reader Ed: Today (Jan. 1) President Obama released his 2011 federal budget, which totals an eye-popping $3.83 TRILLION. To make his bank-busting proposal more palatable, the President declared his budget would impose a spending freeze on non-discretionary and non-military spending.

But wait! Turns out there’s a loophole. Nine federal programs that specifically target women will see an increase, including an extra $117 million for domestic violence programs – see this Miami Herald article.

So while millions of American men are falsely accused of domestic violence each year, the programs that push these false claims will actually see a 22% increase.

Does that make sense to anyone?

Express your extreme displeasure TODAY directly to the White House – keep your message short and polite:

Email: public-at-who.eop.gov

Internet: http://www.whitehouse.gov/contact

Domestic violence czar Lynn Rosenthal: lrosenthal-at-who.eop.gov

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