Abusegate Campaign Shatters Icy Grip of DV Ms.-Information

From MANN reader Ed:

While many parts of the United States were experiencing record-setting temperatures in January, the Abusegate campaign got warmed up, launching a multi-pronged effort to break the falsehoods and lies of the domestic violence industry. The high-temperature campaign featured Op-Ed columns, radio interviews, lobbying on Capitol Hill, and internet alerts.

As a result, a Google search on the word “Abusegate” now reveals 22,800 hits.

Here’s a recap of January’s activities:

  1. Op-Ed Columns
    Three major op-eds were published:
    1. Trudy Schuett: Abusegate: A Generation Deceived
    2. Carey Roberts: Abusegate: The Mother of All Scandals
    3. Barbara Kay: The Domestic Violence Industry’s War on Men
  2. Radio Interviews
    Leading DV researcher Donald Dutton appeared in 10 radio interviews conducted around the United States – see listing below.
  3. Lobbying on Capitol Hill
    On January 22, Abusegate campaign lobbyists went to Capitol Hill and distributed a flyer titled, “Abusegate, Investigate!”
  4. Internet Alerts
    Numerous Internet Alerts were published throughout the month.

February is promising to be even bigger than January. The Abusegate campaign will continue until the Domestic Violence industry warms up to the truth of partner abuse.

(Click 'Read more' for the list of radio shows that have had commentators on this topic.)

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